Best Nutritional Shakes to Gain Weight

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Gaining weight isn’t hard. Gaining healthy weight, on the other hand, can be a tall task. Admittedly, it’s difficult to keep track of all of the nutrients you need – balancing calorie count with vitamins, proteins with fiber, saturated with unsaturated fats… But thanks to advancements in nutritional science, you no longer have to. You can now get all the nutrients you need to gain weight in a single delicious shake. In this smart guide, we have curated a list of the best nutritional shakes to help achieve your ideal body shape!

What to Look for When Shopping for the Best Nutritional Shake to Gain Weight?


Balanced Fat:

Of course, the best way to gain weight is to consume as many fatty foods as possible; however, to gain healthy weight, it is important to maintain a balanced fat intake. Whenever possible, try to look for unsaturated fats, which can help you keep your cholesterol levels balanced. At the same time, actively avoid trans fats, which have been proven to contribute to heart disease.

Low Cholesterol:

In controlled amounts, cholesterol can be beneficial for your body. It’s a molecule found in your bloodstream responsible for facilitating cellular growth and hormone production. However, excessive cholestrol can act similarly as trans fat: blocking your blood stream and increasing your risk toward heart disease.

Mild Sodium:

Sodium is most commonly found in table salt or NaCl, but you might be surprised to learn that most of the foods we eat contain sodium too! Too much sodium in your bloodstream can overwork your heart, leading to cardiovascular issues in the long term.


Carbohydrates, or carbs, are your body’s go-to source for energy. By stocking up on carbs, you guarantee that your mind and body are always working at full capacity! There’s also the added benefit to gaining weight as your body consumes carbs before fat. One quick reminder: don’t eat too much sugar!


Proteins are arguably the most important molecules in your body. They are responsible for the structuring, maintenance, and function of most of your body’s organ systems! Consuming proteins is important for generating muscle and is the key to gaining healthy weight. As always, too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Proteins contain trace levels of Nitrogen, which is difficult for your liver to decompose.


Calcium is crucial for bone-health and function. Gaining weight puts additional pressure on your bones, making calcium’s role even more important for your body. For most adults, try to get at least 1000 mgs of calcium daily!


Our Picks For the Best Nutritional Shake to Gain Weight

1. FitFormula Pro Vegan Protein Blend

The Best Vegan Protein Powder by FitFormula WellnessFitFormula Wellness offers supplements that are simple, pure, clean, and effective. The FitFormula Pro Vegan Protein Blend, as its name suggests, is vegan! It contains pea protein isolate, hemp protein powder, flaxseed powder, bacillus coagulant, and stevia leaf extract, all of which are ingredients known to bring health benefits to our bodies. The FitFormula Pro Vegan Protein Blend comes with two flavors: vanilla and chocolate. It for sure will give you the nutritions and flavors that you are looking for.


Nutrition Beverage with MCT And Protein - Reason Health

2. Reason Health High Calorie Protein Drink

Reason Health signature product is our top pick for best nutritional shake to gain weight. Packed to the brim with calories and proteins, Reason Health sticks with all-natural non-GMO ingredients to create a great-tasting and nutritious drink. Specifically, Reason Health’s protein drink makes use of European milk protein and medium chain tryglicerides (MCT) in a proportion perfect for digestion and weight gain. Available in Chocolate, Vanilla, and Strawberry flavors!


3. Ensure Enlive

Ensure Enlive is an all-in-one nutrition shake designed to substitute for a typical meal. It contains 26 different types of vitamins/minerals that help maintain crucial bodily functions such as your immune system. Although this product isn’t specifically designed for gaining weight, it provides a wide array of nutrients that contribute greatly to your body’s health.


4. Boost Very High Calorie

The name says it all. Boost’s Very High Calorie nutritional shake contains a very high concentration of calories. It’s specifically designed for those with increased energy needs or diminished appetites and contains all the nutrients you need for your daily needs. We recommend this product for those who already have some experience with nutritional shakes/dieting. Boost’s products are heavy-hitters and may overwhelm beginners.


5. Kate Farms Nutrition Shake

Kate Farms’ Nutrition Shake is the product of choice for vegans and those with food allergies. Instead of extracting milk/soy proteins, Kate Farms uses the organic pea protein as well as healthy alternatives such as tumeric and acai to create a digestible and nutritious formula. They also avoid using ingredients that are common allergens in their Chocolate, Coffee, and Vanilla flavors!

6. Enu Nutrition Shake

Enu uses a proprietary blend of protein isolated from cattle and soy concentrate to fuel their take on the nutritonal shake. Their product is gluten/lactose-free and contains a high concentration of natural carbohydrates. Try Emu out if you are looking for a nutrition shake that is low in sugar content but is just as potent for weight gain!